Ready to make headlines with a fresh new career?

The modern home to 200 years of trusted journalism

SaltWire teams have worked hard to craft content that makes a difference here on the East Coast.

When people hear that we’re hiring, they think of news reporters and photographers — but it takes a dynamic, diverse team spanning more than a dozen departments to make it all happen.

Whether you’re looking for a role in sales, finance, information technology, human resources, journalism, marketing, member services, production, multimedia, or content creation, we’d love to learn more about you.

Right people, right seats

This is an exciting time for us.

As SaltWire continues to evolve, we are more determined than ever to discover top talent and hire the right people for each position across our business.

If you don’t see your dream job listed in our current opportunities, don’t let that discourage you from getting in touch with us. We’re always interested in meeting with people who believe they’d be a great fit for SaltWire — and sometimes those spontaneous meetings lead to unexpected opportunities.

Love where you work

The day-to-day tasks that make up your job description should inspire you. We want our team members to come into work each day, excited to tackle new challenges, as we work together and capture what’s happening in the world around us.

Here at SaltWire, we thrive on asking questions, trying new things, teaming up with others and celebrating our colleagues. In this fast-paced industry we take pride in making things happen quickly – always keeping our members and clients at the heart of what we do.


  • Information Technology

  • Client Solutions

  • Member Services

  • Finance

  • Human Resources

  • Marketing

  • Editorial

  • Operations

Our commitment to diversity & inclusion

At SaltWire, we value our people and the diversity each employee brings to the workplace. We are passionate about working to promote workplace inclusion that will create a staff with diverse backgrounds while also providing a healthy working environment for all employees. SaltWire condemns all forms of racism and discrimination against minority groups.

Join Our Team

There are so many stories to tell, and we can’t wait for you to help us tell them. Get in touch to learn more about joining our team, as we craft content that is centred around innovation, excellence, trust and passion.